About Us
Founded by Johan Steyn in 1994, Align Survey has almost 50 cumulative years’ experience in the field of engineering survey, and is a thriving and established business offering the complete spectrum of engineering, topographical and industrial surveys to the engineering consultant and contractor throughout Southern Africa.
Recently joined, Professional Land Surveyor Nicholaas Steyn brings across vital knowledge and adds a new dimension to Align Survey which is now able to cater for any cadastral survey reserved exclusively for Professional Land Surveyors. Nicholaas is also a Registered Sectional Title Practitioner and in so doing allowing Align Survey to prepare draft Sectional Title Plans.
With a staff compliment of 35, Align Survey is a key player in the survey industry and is able to carry out larger projects at competitive rates. We have been a valuable service provider to both national and international companies alike and we constantly strive to provide a service that is fair, accurate, reliable and honest. Our clients always come first and we constantly endeavor to maintain a professional relationship.
Align Survey has a strong belief that the survey industry must be preserved, and with that in mind endeavors to assist students coming through the ranks seeking the in service training that they require to fulfill the requirements of their diplomas. Over the years Align has trained more than a dozen students, some of them moving on to become successful business owners and champions of the industry.